I had received a lot of tags. slowly, i'll do it yeah? this tag attracts me the most. thanks to mama fyza. so, lets see..
1.)Q. Can you cook?
Saya hanya tahu david cook dan butter cookies.
2.)Q. What was your dream growing up?
Mengumpul sugar mummy seramai mungkin dan mempuyai cucu berambut merah.
3.)Q. What talent do you wish you had?
Kentut tanpa mengeluarkan bau yang mengancam nyawa.
4.)Q. If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Drinking water.
5.)Q. Favorite vegetable?
Petai dan ulam raja. Classic weyh.
6.)Q. What was the last book you read?
Diari adikku. hah, skarang aku dah tau siapa balak dia.
7.)Q. What zodiac sign are you ?
Leo, off course. Hidup leo!
8.)Q. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
Tahi lalat tu bolehla dianggap tatu eh? Ya, lima titik kat punggung. Sexy bukan?
9.)Q. Worst Habit?
Kentut sambil batuk. Xkantoi la.
10.)Q. If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
Aku naik kuda tiap2 ari. nak tumpang jom ah.
11.)Q. What is your favorite sport?
Sport shoes.
12.)Q. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
Dua2 pun boleh.
13. )Q. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Rogol dia!! Muahahaha!
14.)Q. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Xingat. xnak dan xmau.
15.)Q. Tell me one weird fact about you
Saya akan merapu kalau jawab tag.
16.)Q. Do you have any pets?
ada. cicak kat dinding. dah lama dia menetap di situ.
17.)Q. What if i showed up at your house unexpectedly?
Xmalu ka? xjemput pun!
18.)Q. What was your first impression of me?
19.)Q. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
Dua2 tidak. Clowns are fucking annoying.
20.)Q. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be???
Xnak! Saya dah hensem.
21.)Q. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Both. Do u want to play it hard or to play it safe?
22.)Q. What color eyes do you have?
Hitam pokedot putih.
23.)Q. Ever been arrested?
Ya, sebab melukai ramai hati wanita. I busy okay. Xsempat layan u'all semua.
24.)Q. Bottle or Draft?
Bottle sebab aku dahaga sekarang. boleh pegi isi air.
25.)Q. If you won £10,000 pounds today, what would you do with it?
Xnak pikir. Bukan dapat pun. woh.
26.)Q. Would you date me?
U really want it? So, take a number please. kekekeke.
27.)Q. What 's your favorite place to hang at?
28.)Q. Do you believe in ghosts?
Bila nak habis soalan ni!
29.)Q. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Jalankan kewajipan dan tambahkan amalan. Akhirat itu penting bukan?
30.)Q. Do you swear a lot?
Masa ikrar pengawas dulu banyakla.
31.)Q. Biggest pet peeve?
Aper nie? Macam keanu reeves ja bunyinya.
32.)Q. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
HANDSOME. yeah baby.
33.)Q. Do you believe/appreciate romance?
Romen? Oh, tidak pernah. Dosa gitu.
34.)Q. If you could spend 12 hours with me and ask/do anything you like, what would it be?
Boleh x awak balik rumah sekarang?
35)Q. Do you believe in God?
Habis tu??
36.)Q. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same?
Kalau nak buat, just buat.
p/s: No offence ya fyza. Takziah kat umair kerana hp hilang. "Korang" nak fitnah saper lak pasni??
After Death Communication Symbols
4 months ago
erk hilang lagi?pada aku ni kerja orang yang sama gak. Waktu kejadian dan barang yang hilang sama. So kemungkinan orang yang sama mencuri hp Amru adalah pencuri hp Umayr.
Biasanya orang yang banyak cakap n suka tuduh orang lain tu yang buat.
Chill bro.Relaks.Kebenaran akan tetap terserlah.Itu janji Tuhan
1st- rogol? :P Z join ke tlg fyza?
2nd- u mmg entertainer la botak! =D
3rd- omg..siannye hp sape tuh ilang (padahal x kenal pown). xpe, dpt hp baru.
4th- yg fitnah tuh.. ala.. nnt die kena panah petir if silap fitnah nyeee...
z~ yaya. balik nie kita cari sampai dapat siapakah bangsat tersebut. aku nak diam jer skarang. malas pikir.
fyza~ haha. thanx bebeh.
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