..... Getting the momentum .....

Friday, January 23, 2009


SAVE GAZA. please. take a look :

I can't put other pictures. I can't take it anymore. Its our brothers n sisters. HELP THEM. Boycott those motherf*ckers every single products. Its the least we can do. What else?? Dont just talk bullshits. DO IT. FOR ISLAM.


.lemon. said...

aktviti mem'b0ik0t' nie mmg cuk0p sukar dlaksanakan..

Lutfee~ said...

tapi when theres a will, theres a way right???
waktu ni la kita semua kena bkerjasama.. kalau x,bila lg??
xkan nak tggu malaysia kena serang baru nak boikot habis2an??
sebenarnya bnyak alternatif lain..
cuma kita dibesarkan dengan produk2 amerika.. so,kita dah terbiasa..
kita boleh buat..
dulu waktu amerika serang iraq, kita boikot pengeluaran susu diaorang n then diaorng punya ekonomi merudum 40peratus..
baru boikot susu jaa..
haa..bukan xboleh kan??
Insyaallah.. kalau ada usaha,kerjasama, semua boleh..
nothing is impossible.. take note~