..... Getting the momentum .....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Quotes for arriving 2009.

We'll be celebrating our new year in 7 days more. As usual,new dreams,new hopes n new spirits shall be our guidance for the whole 2009. I found n heard some inspiring words dat i never heard of before, to lift our spirits up to face the ups n downs of 2009.

"Biasakan dibaiki & Baiki yg biasa"
~Ustaz Nuh.

"Light on the struggle and the world shall brigthen"
~Sidney Sheldon

"Hardwork pays"
~My dad.

"Know yourself better than your soul"

"If you a fool,then you cry and abandon your load. Thats the foolest"
~Karpal Singh

"Step up and kick the sinner down"
~Benjamin Franklin

"Mengata aku, sayang aku, fitnah aku, tikam aku, cinta aku. I don't care. Janji aku nak jadi budak dekan next sem"
~Ahmad Lutfee.

Muahaha. yg last tu paling best kan? kan? Ok,abaikan. In a nutshell, i wish u gudluck in every steps u take in facing the challenge ahead and be yourself, love yourself and think of yourself. Coz when u know yourself, everything will go smoother. Cayalah beb. okay. Dis is my last post for the year 2008. I will be back in Uitm dis 28 dec. Feeling excited,hate,love and sad. Thanks mum for the delicious meal u prepared everyday. Thanks dad for the money u provided me dis holiday. Haha. Wait for my new post soon!!
c ya~

p/s: kepada bakal2 roommate,jgan jadi pengotor. aku allergic with dat. take note. thank you.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


haish,now im starting to get headache.worst,its migrain.kejap2 kelas pl2b,then da penuh,then tukar pl2e,penuh jugak then try pl2a,subjek muet penuh. cuba pl2e skali lg,penuh lg. pl2b pulak,yes,ada kosong tp intro to law penuh, ok, i try pl2e then, subjek intro to law penuh jugak. ok,last try,pl2b,yesss,finally,boleh.wtf??? sumer org pakat2 tukar kejap tukar ker?? adoihhh...
n then,why is there number of people for each subject for each class are different?? i dun understand the system.then,have to pay fees.when i try to find the sum of fees, system pulak lembab n continously failed to connect.aduhai. para saintis internet Uitm,silalah anda ubah keadaan ini. what do u expect,thousands of students are log in to the portal n u don't prepared for dat??? musim2 ni mestilah ramai. so, silalah ready for this situation next time. its designed to ease us but it seems dat it make me more difficult.i dunno how about everyone else.did they feels the same way too?? oklah. want to have a nap. pening. -out-

Sunday, December 21, 2008

bedak sejuk.

ni yg aku hangin satu badan nih. dah 3 kali dah ni kena mcam nih. haih.

cerita dia bermula cmni :
"ahmad,(nick name bapak aku pggil) sat lagi tolong kunci pagar"
balas aku sambil korek hidung, "ok boss".

tepat jam 11.03 malam,aku pun as always berjalan dengan penuh malas ke arah pintu pagar kayu aku tuh dan bersedia untuk mengunci. kawasan taman rumah aku merupakan kawasan yg menjadi laluan utama orang ramai untuk bergerak ke sana-sini. mungkin untuk melihat rumah aku yg tersergam indah rupanya. dari kancil sampailah ferrari penah melintas di hadapan rumah. so,tanpa melengahkan masa, sambil kentut, aku pun tarik la pintu kayu tuh untuk ditutup dan dikunci.

dengan keadaan yg celaka, ada segerombolan mat-rempit RXZ yg berwajah macam warcraft setiap satunya telah melintas di hadapan rumah aku then secara tiba2 makhluk2 warcraft tersebut tgok aku dan membuat muka penuh dramatik lalu memecut motor dengan kadar yg maksima sambil terkinja2 and jerit, "HANTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!". dan yg paling aku naik hangin dan rasa macam manusia hina ja ialah apabila mat bangla yg sedang follow mat-rempit di blakang sambil mengayuh basikal juga melakukan aksi yg sama dan turut memecut sepantas lamborghini dan menggunakan tenaga beliau sepenuhnya tanpa berkata apa-apa. huh~

ya2,aku tau aku pakai BEDAK SEJUK. aku kan lelaki maskulin. pala hotak sungguh sampai sanggup tuduh aku ni hantu. dah 3 kali aku kena. sumpah seranah telah aku lontarkan kepada mereka. xtermasuk maki hamun yg aku lontarkan kepada kaum kerabat mat bangla tersebut. manusia2 tersebut tidak tahu dan sedar bahawa di sebalik bedak sejuk tersebut, terselindung wajah ala keanu reeves dan orlando bloom. wajah yg menjadi kegilaan wanita yg bernafsu buas.

thanks bedak sejuk. aku pakai kau supaya wajah aku lebih berseri dan suci tetapi disalah tafsir hinggalah disamakan dengan spesies hantu.

p/s: berhati2 jika memakai bedak sejuk.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


The Oxford dictionary will come out with its new edition soon. The strange thing is i found that there is a new word dat funny. yup,funny. but not really tickle me laa n dont make me horribly laugh like a maniac until i lost 2/3rd of my smart brain n happily jump into the lake and be eaten by a shemale crocodile n soon was found out by a hairless bigfoot n skinny panda nearby. OK. a new word "meh" will be out soon. "meh" can be definite as an expression of boredom, not happy and do not agree. and this word is being derived from a famous cartoon comedy in US, "The Simpsons". funny huh~ its only a cartoon comedy dat seriously create a new word!! duuuh~ in bm, it really bring an obvious differentation. u see, we typically use word "meh" as "mari". not in bm dictionary actually. example, "meh sini,aku cubit2 ko karang" or "meh cepat ah wei,aku xlaqat tggu nih" or "meh la, pondan kalau ko x berani". u see, totally different. so,dunno this new freak word will be popular used in malaysia. we'll see.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

3rd khatam.

I did it again. i've khatam this book for the third time. its not because i dun have other books to read, its just this sidney sheldon's masterpiece has amazingly amazed n hipnotized me everytime i read it. cuti yg agak lama juga turut mendorong saya untuk membuang keboringan dengan membaca selain daripada korek hidung sambil memicit2 payudara saya yg fabulous sahaja. saya segan hendak keluar berfoya2 setiap hari kerana pasti akan ada gadis2 yg bernafsu buas mengejar2 saya yg berwajah ala keanu reeves ini di sekeliling pekan sehingga polis terpaksa menamatkan keganasan tersebut. bomba terpaksa memercik air untuk menghalang gadis2 fanatik ini. ambulan dengan sukarelanya akan menumpangkan saya untuk dibawa lari dari gadis2 spastik tersebut. (ok,cukup). this book tells us about how we deal in life. we can do good and bad, smtimes people see us as a good person but it just can change in a nick of time. Heroin utamanya, tracy whitney yg cun,gebu dan bernafsu seperti gorilla mengamuk ketika diranjang. i dun want to eloborate dis book a lot deeper cuz itu akan menimbulkan keboringan kalian untuk membaca post ini. if u wnt to know,just get it at ur restaurant nashmir or gerai2 makanan ala capati nearby. dekat gerai tu mintak buku ini dan abg macha or bangla akan serah buku ini kepada anda. ok?? read it n u know what i mean. good job, mr.sidney.
p/s: jgan beli yg cetak rompak.

God,i LOVE u.

Alhamdulillah,finally,the nerves were gone. The air was easier to breathe. The food is much tastier to swallow n the bath was a lot better than the past few days. hahaa. The results are finally out~

My pointer?? err.. Let say, 3 pointer. okay?? So glad. Bajet dapat rendah, suddenly lebih dari tue. Thank God. Ramai lg yg hebat2.

To Izzat,Z,Jimy,Ezwar,Adam,Ily,Iz,Ama,Vienna,n lots more. Congrats!! Korang memg hebat.

Layak jadi abg2 dan akak2 PM nanti.huhuhuhu.C u guys soon~
With love,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Manusia ini pelik. Ya. Pelik. Salah satu yg buat aku pelik ialah sikap HIPOKRIT yg tertanam sejak azali dalam diri setiap manusia. Setiap diri ( jangan berdalih yg diri kita hipokrit). Seperti yg aku katakan sebelum ini, aku amat benci kepada org yg ada sifat ni. Kau boleh kata kau dah buang sifat tu, tapi aku xbodoh, kau sentiasa ada sikap tu dan akan kekal dalam diri kau.

Aku beri analogi yg cukup mudah~
Pada satu hari, kau xda duit. Then kau curi duit aku. Kau ingat aku xtahu. Tapi bila aku gempar sedikit dekat kau dgan cakap yg aku nak pegi jumpa bomoh dan sbgnya, aku bleh melihat kegelabahan dan ketakutan dalam mata kau. Cukuplah itu sebagai bukti. Kemudian aku biarkan kau. Mungkin kau amat perlukan duit itu. Mungkin kau nak kirim dekat mak kau yg nazak menderita kanser dan tiada wang nak pegi buat perubatan atau mungkin kau xda duit nak makan tengahari nanti. MUNGKIN. Aku cuba berfikir positif.
Sudah beberapa minggu perkara itu berlalu,aku masih maafkan kau. Aku benarkan kau bermain game Red Alert dalam laptop aku. Aku tolong kemas katil kau. Tlg kemas bilik kita. Banyak lagi tp xperlu riak aku perkatakan.
Kemudian satu hari,rakan yang sentiasa tidur di tempat kita telah kehilangan benda berharganya. Kebetulan pada waktu itu,hari terakhir kita. Aku adalah org yg paling awal bangun bersiap untuk pulang. Sementara kau masih lena dibuai mimpi. Kemudian aku pulang.
3 minggu selepas itu,aku tahu yg kononnya kau fitnah aku mengambil barang berharga tersebut. Terima kasih. Baru aku tahu siapa kau,kawan atau lawan, Bijak sungguh kau berkata2 dan memusingkan cerita. Kau tunggu aku nanti. Ternyata kau HIPOKRIT!!
Bukti bnyak bersama aku.
Analogi yg cukup mudah. Wahai manusia. Aku berbahasa adat resam harini untuk kalian mudah memahami apa yg aku cuba sampaikan. Berubahlah. Manusia hipokrit, manusia lahanat. Cabarlah aku kalau aku salah. Teruslah berada dalam dosa kalau kalian masih bergelumang dengan sikap itu. Jika kalian benar2 berubah, aku ucapkan TAHNIAH. Tuhan pasti sayangkan anda. -Sekian-

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Great Minds"

"Im Born to Conquer"
~Alexander the Great
That is one of my all-time favourite leader,historian and hero. many facts describe him similar to Iskandar Zulkarnain. i dunno. maybe they are the same men or vice-versa. the fact is,both of them had opened my eyes to see the world by all perceptions,perspectives and perscriptions.think out of the box.yeah,dats the perfect named to be called. i still wonder how am i have to think out of the box. am i have to be a genius,freak scientist to be call dat? no, its just how u see things differently,logically and suprises many minds. dats all.
so,alexander said that he was born to conquer. in reality,yes he was a great in conquering. is the spelling rite?? duh~ huhu. okay. we see, alexander managed to conquer many lands but in a greater side,he can conquer his own minds,other minds dat automatically conquers the soul of many hearts.dats what powerful mind (out of box) is all about. conquering the data and captured the mind of others. well, i dun care if alexander or iskandar zulkarnain is a dictactor or whatever.but,i want u to see dat how far these great men bring a great enchanments to the history of the world. yup everyone,we were born to conquer. conquer our energy, mind, soul, era, and life hope so n u'll find the greater human being might give you. c ya!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

You & Your Soul..

In order to know who u are is depend only on u. sadly,not many of us now wanted or even care to know themselves better. being diri sendiri is not easy. hell,yeah. in this global era- press,media and all dat stuff is a part of the people and becoming like a learning tools to grow. We see,back to the old good days when people filling themselves independently and successfully become a respected human. maybe not all but at least, it is the most. do they have to suffer on drugs,social ills, and even mat-rempit?? no. Because the self-built help them. in this horrible scenes now, youngsters can't even practically use their brain. because we are being spoonfed. to curb this and to cure is back to you and yourselves.
im not trying to preech. yes, we achieved many greatness, taste of victory but do we smells the good of heaven?? depends. some of us will n hope so.so, Socrates is right. to know the future is to know yourself. Change everyone. for the better. Cheers~
What goes around, comes around.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Lurve u MUm & Dad~

24 years ago,12.12.84 was the day where my mum and dad had tied the knot and were pronounced as husband and wife. And yesterday, they had celebrated their anniversary with us.
Here are a simple wrote from me to both of u, mum and dad~

Everyday single day, i thank Allah for being blessed with such a GREAT mother and father. And every second, i hope i can repay all of your sacrifices to me but i can't. Its too many. I wonder how both of you never get bored,never gave up to raise such a trouble son like me. For 18 years, i never see the pure love in your eyes fade away from me even for a second. Your smiles, tears, hardworks strengthen me to face the world day by day. You taught me the meaning of love, the meaning of hardship and overall, the meaning of life itself. Mak, we had went through a lot together. Ayah, we share the same ambition. To be a good son and to be the leader in every steps we take. I take this golden chance to say," I LOVE YOU". Untill my last breath.
from, ur son.

p/s: May Allah bless both of you, Abdul Razak and Rosilah. ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

3 dAys in PanGkor..

Pergh.. 10 jam tido beb.. bleyh kalahkan ker rekod superb tuh?? okay, as i promised, here are some pictures yg xberape berkualiti sebab semue jenis pelupa nak bwak camera. otak da xbrape function la cuti sebulan katakan... so terpakse gune hp untuk captured gud moments at pangkor. By the way, pangkor is a nice island but need a few changes. makan agak mahal. "pekedai"2 pulak xreti nak speaking sampailah ader once incident sampai tourist tuh bertanya dekat 15minit tapi pak cik n mak cik tuh xpaham2. pastuh mat salleh tue blah jer la with a bad impressions, i guess. of course la. n then, dahla mkanan mahal, "pekedai" mkanan nih xfriendly langsung and amik order pun lambat cam siput. ader once incident gak yg i witnessed sendiri mat salleh blah dari gerai tue sebab tggu punye lama xader org layan amik order. bad impression lagi. huh...~ Pantai plak memang cantik, air pun jernih tapi kat hujung2 pulau biler me with my friends ronda2 n renang2, kotor giler... siap pampers pun ader!! HAMPEH. bahagian spot tourist jer cantik. yg len hampes. so, ubah ar keadaan neh. MEMALUKAN. ni ker yg katanya CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA?? dengan people yg xfriendly, anjing pun ada 4,5 ekor kat tempat hotspot tourist, makanan mahal, pantai ader yg kotor, ntahla. Saper yg responsible tuh please take IMMEDIATE action. kalau x, mat bangla jer la yg akan melancong kat pangkor. im serious. Overall, ader gak la yg best. mesti la kan. snorkelling bapak best. ikan2 bleyh buat jadi member. keh3. brader2 yg kami bayar tuh untuk nek bot, brg2 untuk snorkelling n etc2.. diaorg memang sporting, best, friendly. rasenyer kat pulau tuh, diarog jer kowt yg friendly. huahua. memories with my buddies pown best.. korang best~ hehe. neway, tq 4 everythin'~

p/s: ader banyak lagi gambar. but low quality. hp member by the way, bukan saye. ngeh3. maap lah yer~

Haih..... Penatnya~

Bwu balik pangkor. Had a really gud moments over there.

Just arrived home and trus on9...


I'll put pictures later. C ya. Wanna sleep. Confirm air liur basi penuh esok pagi.

p/s: Thanks izat,fitri,akmal,anuar and jimmy for the memories.

Monday, December 1, 2008

MoRe SaHc piCtures~

Yup, its SAHC. U know how meaningful it is to me rite?? And it reaches its 100 years dis year. I put some pictures of it in my previous post. There are still more. So, have a look.

p/s : Isn't it beautiful??? Yeah,its old (100 years already duh...) but still rockin~

Saturday, November 29, 2008



Ni ler antara org2 yg i really miss tahap tapir mengamuk :

Ni ler muke2 yg aku rindu sesangat and slalu suruh aku organize pegi men bowling dan seumpamanya. ni jugak ler budak2 bangang yg slalu buat bising kat dewan kolej bila turin berucap. ngeh3. ni jugak ler muke2 yg aku kdg2 rasa nak penampor jer coz suke paku and bahan aku ngan ayat2 pedih. ni jugak ler hamba2 allah yg slalu ader ngan aku waktu susah ker, senang ker, kaya ker and aper2 jer. ntah payah nak describe korang coz korang AMATLAH TERBEST. semua kiter sekepala and jarang kiter nak dapat kwan2 lain mcm nie. kiter start dari aku :

aku~ terkenal dgn sifat ORGANIZE (horom tol dapat gelaran neh).
izat~ terkenal dgn sifat "kesukanan aka. mat athelet" nyer.
fitri~ terkenal ngan sifat MAT HUJAN nyer.
shah~ ayat dier paling terkenal "GHEEE... BODDDOOO".
udi~ terkenal dgan kepala yg serba guna. bleyh jadi helmet, mikrofon dan mcm2 lagi. ngeh3.
syamir~ sifat baiknya. cool plak tue.
kuden~ni pown baik giler. wei semua, kuden dah kuruih gila skarang!! ngeh3.
iki~ my giler2 best pren. rumah dekat just jalan kaki. terkenal dgn suara itiknya. ngeh3. dan kepandaiannya yg gila babeng.
bulat~ terkenal dgan sifat kemelayuannya. ngeh3. and sarjan kadet. keh3.
bismil~ terkenal ngan sifat suka bahan org tahap cipan padahal xsedaq diri tuh cam org minyak xcukup zat. ngeh3.....
bagidol~ memang lawak giler and aku suke berlawak ngan dier. terkenal ngan mat gig and gigi kuburnyer. muahaha~
cheqarp~ budak masam. no komen. keh3!!
amri~ si pendek yg petah berkata2 dan masih belum mencapai akil baligh.
abrar~ terkenal ngan buisness radixnya. keh3~
shaheir~ mata macam xcukop tidoq. mat gig jugak~
haikal~ kambing yang pandai bermain gitar. muahahaha!!
izul~ mat awek!!!!!!
ayie @ mengae~ aku rapat gila ngan dia. thanks blanja aku makan semalam!! keh3. terkenal dgan sifat "pending" nya and ayat "aku xtau"..~keh3..
akmal~ haha. nooh. muka kena tutup. sayang awek yg view blog nie xdapat nak tau muka hang. dia ni seorang yg mempunyai kaki yg busuk. ingat aku xtau?? keh3!!!!
amar~ anak pengetua @ amar mora adalah panggilannya. terkenal ngan "BUDAK JITRA".
hamdan~ fanatik kartun2,awek2, semue yg berkaitan ngan Jepun. Dia suke tampar badan org sambil kata "weh!!". hahaha~

Tu dier lah member2 kesayangan aku. ada lagi yg xda dalam gambar nie. ni time raye kat my house. ader yg xdapat dtg. MAT POGET!!! keh3~ diarong ni, sampai mati aku tetap sayang. walaupun diarong ni perangai cam cempedak busuk, tapi otak semue neh genius2 belaka. xleh nak describe lah korang. banyak nak tulis tapi xtau nak tulis cmner coz korang SESANGAT HYPER DUPER HAPPENING. kenangan kiter kat kolej, after spm and semua2 tuh, memang xsetanding kenangan2 yg akan datang. aku rindu korang weyh. HANG OUT RAMAI2 RAYE HAJI NANTI.~

p/s: can i turn back time??? dear god,please.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

TeKa-TeKi & SuKa-Suki~

Saya suke meniru idea Cik Vianna coz cam best jer~
Cik Vianna dan lain2,
try ler jawab kalau bley~ (Answer all correctly and tuntut hadiah anda kat Cik Vianna).

1. Kenape kucing or tenuk ker, bile diarong jalan, setiap 2,3 minit diarog mesti pusing belakang tengok anak diaorg???

2. Kenape kita punya najis a.k.a tahi (maaf sekiranya mengotorkan) tenggelam??

3. Benda aper yg ader 8 kaki, 3 kepala, sepasang sayap dan 2 tangan???

4. Ikan di waktu malam diaorg mencari makanan, di siang???

5. Finally, teka-teki paling susah~ KENAPE SAYE SANGAT HENSEM?? (ngeh3)

p/s: Jawab dengan penuh yakin, x dibenarkan meniru dan berbincang. Masa menjawab diberikan hanya 10 minit. Anda dinasihatkan menjawab 2 minit bagi satu soalan. Sekian.

Monday, November 24, 2008

SayA daH rAjin~

Setelah berbulan2 lamanya ditegur mak,ayah,sis,auntie2,uncle2,cousins,Cik VIANNA n so on..
Saya akhirnya mendengar nasihat mereka:



Soon, i will be a hot,masculine,sexy guy with a smooth n bright skin. (ye ker??)

p/s: Tahniah kepada diri saya. Oleh kerana Cik Vianna xnak tag saya, saya merapulah tanpa hala tujuan. SEKIAN,TERIMA KASIH.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Missing U Guys....~

Here are some of my greatest moments captured~

p/s : Can't even say a word!!! MISS U GUYS BADLY~

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tagger : Miss Vianna aka Cik taggeR~ HeHe!!

1.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
~50% love me or more and 50% or more hate me ( i guess so....maybe) hehe..
2. The character of you for yourself is?
~Fun, funny and funky.
3. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
~Lazy to study. (Thats for SURE)~huahua
4. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
~My mum n dad.. ( i wanna be with them for the rest of my life )
5. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
~I lurve u too!!! Thanks~
6. Nine people to tag:
~3 enough eh?? 1-Zharif, 2-Obama, 3- Emy
7. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
~Hahaha. If i say dat name, he would kill me!!!
8. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
~Of course la female.. A sweet and fantastic female.. ;-)
9. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
~Dunno. there are no no.7 n 10.. heheheh (kan saye da cakap saye pemalas..)huh...
10. How about no. 5 and 8?
~Dunno either.
11. What is no. 1 studying about?
~Law!! Yup, a good class representative..
12.Is no. 4 single?
~Still dunno. heheh..
13.Say something about no. 6
~U are one of my favourite number!! ;-D

To Vianna~

U had asked me bout my achievements in my previous school rite??
Well,here it is..
I'm not soooo fantastic in academics (saye selalu main dalam kelas)~hahaha, but im just quite active in co-curicullar activities~

YEAR 2006-
1. I am the Vice-president of Persatuan B.Melayu.
2. I am the librarian.~tapi slalu ponteng duty..haha
3. I won the speaking contest in school.
4. I won Pertandingan Forum Remaja in district and state level~
5. I won debate comp in district n state level too~
6. I participated in Pertandingan Forum Remaja n Debate at national level.
7. I had received award from the Sultan for actively participating in many comp~
8. Yg lain xbrape ingat lah..

YEAR 2007-
1. I am the President for Kelab Pengucapan Awam.
2. Still a librarian. ~(im not interested to be a prefect although frequently requested by teachers coz my schedule is soooo tight)
3. I organized many activities in schools.
4. I am the Vice-president of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP).
5. I am the Tokoh Nilam in district and second in state level.
6. I won Pertandingan Forum Remaja in district and state level..
7. I won the third place for Pertandingan Forum Remaja in national level (masuk tv9)~hehe.
8. I am being honoured by receiving several awards in my school's award ceremony.
9. Yg lain biasa2 ajer..

EARLY 2008-
I am being honoured from Sultan because of contributing for Sultan Abdul Hamid College~

Dats all bout me..hehe... Dats y my heart was stuck at SAHC.. I have and own my exciting, ups and downs life back there~ Im not trying to blagak but yup, im happy to be a COLLEGIAN like the other COLLEGIANS. Thanks Vianna for asking.. It brought back all the wonderful memories.. ;-)

C ya~
p/s : Sultan Abdul Halim (KEDAH) is also a COLLEGIAN.

Who AM i???

Rules of the tag : Link your tagger. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. 7 facts.
tagger : Cik Vianna~

(saya boleh jawab satu tag aje.. coz soalan lg satu is about relationship and I AM STILL SINGLE..)

1. I love to hear jokes and make jokes. ~boring ler hidup ni kalau xde gelak ketawe..
2. Actually, i am SPIDERMAN. ~coz xde org mengaku lg, saya mengakulah saya spiderman.
3. I am a BIG fan of Justin Timberlake n Michael Jackson. ~their dance moves are like SUPERB.
4. Saye xsuke penipu n org hipokrit.~TAKE NOTE.
5. Saya oghang logstaq!! (HIDUP KEDAH!!!!)
6. Saya famous di sekolah menengah~muahahahaha..!!
7. Saya xbley tidur kalau bunyi bising walaupun sedikit dan dalam keadaan yg cerah. ~Bakal isteriku,anda mesti tahu perkara ini yer.. heheheheh..

Dats all bout me, Cik Vianna n all....... ;-)

Sunday, November 16, 2008



Yup,yesterday brought back the memories~
Firstly, its hard for me to go to my old school..(SAHC)
cuz i feel like crying over there!! u know wat, i had my best time eva in my school era,
that is Sultan Abdul Hamid College~
when i first step in, i recall the good old days..
Looking at my old class... (yeah,its old since SAHC had reached 100 years already)..
I can still hear the laughter,remembered the happy moments and the teachers scolding (huhuhu)..

SAHC is the place where i learned many things..

SAHC taught me the meaning of life..

SAHC is my second home!!!!!

Yeah, there were some bad moments, but
let bygone be bygone rite~
Im proud of SAHC and Im proud to be a Collegian.


And im proud to contribute a lot to it.. Either in a state or the national level.. (no need to mention but yup, almost everyone knows me)-hehehe.. (im famous!!)
Now i know how old collegians feels like coming back to school..
The best thing about College is, it has its own spirits that can never be describe..
We are brothers and family to each and everyone of us..
I really miss everything!!!!
I wish i can turn back time~

SAHC always in my heart... I PROMISE.

C ya~

p/s: Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Mahathir are also COLLEGIANS. Many more.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

i'M HoMe!!!!

After waiting so long and tension ngan exam yg gile punye susah (especially LAW)..
Kini diriku sudah berpijak di tanah halaman ku..
waahh.. Alor Star beb!! hehe.. KEDAH NEGERIKU.. wowowowo..
Tambah2 lak smalam dpt cal dari clas rep yg tercinta (zharif) yg duit saki baki biasiswa da masuk!! Waahh..
Bertmbah2 keseronokan diriku ini nak enjoy2.. hehek..
However, dalam kepala bnyak plan nak buat>>
1. Save duit nak g trip pangkor ngan member2.
2. Nak beli speaker for laptop neh.. (kasi gegar rumah i)-ampun ya mak... Anak mak ni baek..
3. Nak enjoy kat sini- makan maggi sup thailand (ketagih siot punyela sedap)
4. Ntah bnyak lagi.. Otak masih berfikir dgn plan2 yg akn dtg..
Walau da balek, still rindu sahabat2 uitm, kolej malinja..
(Blok B rocks!!)-Block A skema!! hahah!!
Mak cik goreng2 dining pun dirindui-sedap ooo char koew teow dier masak..
mcam2 lah...
After all, IM HOME rite?? So, this is the time to relax my mind and spend the time wit my family..
And i pun ada satu misi balik umah- Nak "fix the broken"-bukan nak fix paip jamban or ape2 k..
Hopefully, dis will b a remembered n nice holiday.. :-)

After 24th Oct~

ni ler sebabnyer nape lama xda post..
dahla blog ni xcomplete lagi..
pada tarikh keramat tu..(jeng3)
Me n my roommate ACCIDENT!!
Punyala bangang pala otak kite aritue,
terhantuk jalan ler katakan..
yg plg xleyh blah tue is because i yg bwak!!
Secondly, motor member lak tue!! (amar~sory yea moto kamu..hihi)
Thirdly, i bwak roommate- anak orang beb!! (ihsan~sory yea bro..hihihihi)
Forthly, ramai yg tgok beb..
Punyela tebal muke nie.. tu la, nak "rempit scooter" la sangat..
Naseb baek xdilenyek oleh si lori.. (lalu sebelah telinge i jer)-waktu tgh terbaring ngah jalan..
eh2, saya x merempit okay.. Honestly,,
1. Jalan tu licin
2. I bwak agak laju (salah la tue>>)hahah..
Neway, i nak ucap thanks bebanyak dekat:
0. Ihsan yg cool n cube calm down i yg tgah mengelabah.. lepas kitaorg lari ke tepi jalan...
1. Jimmy,nizam n len2 yg cepat2 arrive kat situ n help kitaorang g klinik.. (memang terharu)
2. Amar coz dier xmrah n paham keadaan i.. (member sejati)
3. Abg askar yg first2 tlg kitaorg.
4. Pak cik polis yg sporting.. (tp kne gak saman!!)
Tp ada gak dua org mamat nek moto bhenti tepi jalan sound2 kitaorg..
Ekeleh, nasib baik tgah luka,, Kalu x, flying kick dah kene muke dier tue!!
Ingat kitaorg "rempit" or whatever ker?? Kitaorg rush balik coz nak semayang jumaat bang oi!
Me n ihsan luka teruk di sebelah kiri.
Waktu nak gtau parents, ketaq habis lutut!! hoho.. Biasala, leteran akan bertalu2 diajukan..
Merana giler dalam seminggu (nak mandi,makan,bergerak,pakai baju)..
tp now okay dah..
tgah settle moto n saman..
Thanks gak kat my dad yg sporting sangat..
N mama yg lagi sporting (hehe)
Pe2pun, buat mat rempit, merempit la lg... hahahah.. Chaiyok!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hye EveRyone!!

Huh, finally... Here i am..
Writing as i loved to..
Well, for anyone who doesn't know me.. Here are some tips about me (waah..tips!!) huhu~
1. Im stdying law at lovely uitm kedah rite now~ (giler best and giler susah punyer paper)
2. Im single, mingle and everything that ends with -gle.. but not GOOGLE (take note pliz..)
3. I can be trusted. Sumpah~(kalau bohong masuk api neraka)
4. Im fun,friendly n sometimes quite~ (when i am thinking seriously)
5. I LOVE MUSIC!!! Im going 2 be crazy without music.
6. I can adapt at every place i go (Since i moved a lot)..
7. DANCING (sumpah im cool when dancing)-chewaah!! n DAY DREAMING is my hobby.hek3
8. Im trying to fix the broken. (if u know what i mean)
8 and 1/2. I love to make jokes and laughs around~ dats me.
9. I can be a crying shoulders for anyone who needs me.
10. My life sometimes are best, good, sumtimes sucks, sumtimes feels like to die and sumtimes i fell like at the top of the world..~ That is so called "LIFE" right..
Yeah, i'm here to share with u about my ups and downs life, hope u will be there 4 me.. :-)